Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The MCP group took a day trip to Cádiz a while ago. As my host mom told me, it was preciosa.

The weather when we got there was a perfect overcast (I love cloudy weather), and we walked around and saw a lot of really cool sites sunburn-free.

In this one plaza, there was a huge cathedral in the Baroque(?) style. 

Inside was really cool, and this altar reminds me of Bernini's canopy in the Vatican with its winding columns.

There were a bunch of sculptures like this in the church. This type of painted wood sculpture was really popular around the baroque times because the warmth of the wood (as opposed to cold marble or bronze) made the religious figures seem more real. 

All churches (that I have visited) in Spain have the choir at the center, not like in other kinds of churches in Europe or America, with really cool organs.

Main altar and cool ceiling as per usual.

Silver sacrament thing.

Down in the crypts.


Then for lunch, we went to the market in Cádiz. They had everything from fish intestines to brains, to fruits, empanadas, sushi, gazpacho, etcetera.  I had empanadas that were really good. However, it was Friday the 13th when we went, so I was having horrible food luck. First empanada I got had pork in it, although it didn't say pork in the ingredients (it just said the type of cheese), and I'm a vegetarian, so I gave away my 2 euro empanada to someone else and had to buy a new one. Then the new one I bought was really hot, so when I bit off a bit of the corner, a pocket of hot air burnt my upper lip. It's probably really superstitious, but I think the day had something to do with it. (But really I was dumb to not wait a couple minutes for it to cool down). 

We also went up on this really high building that had a camera oscura. There was a mirror (or something like that) that reflected an image onto a concave circle, so you could see everything from above from in the fort. It was really cool. The girl that was showing us how it worked could use paper and everything to pick up the people walking around the concave part and play with them. It was kinda funny.

More view from above.

Eeee pretty.

Then the sun came out, and we spent our last two hours there on the beach. The beach was super nice. The water was cold, but not freezing, so it felt good in the heat. Also, there was sea glass! I hadn't seen sea glass outside of Bed Bath & Beyond or Michael's before, so it was really exiting for me. I found a ton and took it home. I am very happy with my new sea glass collection. 


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